
College Code For CET Preference is 09169.

About Us

From The Desk Of Our Principal

It gives me immense pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment to address you as the Principal of this prestigious institution and welcome you to Daund Medical Foundations Sushrusha Institute of Nursing Science’s Daund, We aim for excellence in the field of nursing education and practice, constantly working towards raising for standard of the nursing profession, such that our students can face the exacting demand of the health care sector.

We at Sushrusha Institute of Nursing Science’s Daund, have excellent infrastructure, competent teaching faculty with years of experience. Innovative methods of teaching to convey the importance of the course. Students get opportunity for clinical learning in parent teaching hospital with 100 beds. We have made every effort to provide the srudents with all possible opportunities that will foster the scholarly and civic development in a safe and secure learning environment.

A number of extra-curricular activities too are conducted at the college to ensure that the student’s life is not only limited to the classroom, but is extended much beyoud that

We strongly believe that the nursing students are responsible and accountable for quality nursing practice thus they need to be appropriately trained, oriented and directly supervised. The highly qualified and motivated professionals provide the skill and knowledge needed for the students to meet the challenges of today. We are providing outstanding facilities and help the students to achieve great success. The curriculum is planned in way that all the potentials and inherent talents of the students are developed to make them full pledged individuals of the society

I warmly invite you to be a proud nursing student of Sushrusha Institute of Nursing Science’s Daund and it will be our endeavor to make your experience very enriching and memorable.



Modem nursing is a dynamic, therapeutic and educative process in meeting the Health needs of the individuals, the family and the community. Nursing is one of the health care agencies in assisting individual families and communities to achieve and maintain desirable standards of health

The Trust Daund Medical Foundation & team of Sushrustha Nursing School & Sushrusha Institute of Nursing Sciences believes in the concept of health as laid down by the World Health Organization(WHO).e. Health is the state of complete Physical, Mental and Social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Since nurses provided and will undoubtedly continue to provide a large part of health care their, training should equip them with professional expertise to meet the changing demands of society and thus expanding role there in. To achieve this, emphasis must be laid to impart the knowledge and skills most relevant to the health care needs of the community and the country as a whole. This must also be accompanied by a corresponding change in professional attitudes. The Intemational Council of Nurses sates that, the unique function of nurse is to assist the Individual, sick or well, in the performance of these activities, contributing to health or its recovery or to peaceful death that they would perform un-aided if they had the necessary strength, will or knowledge, and to do this in such a way as to help the individual to gain Independence as rapidly as possible.

The Trust, School of Nursing & Institute of Nursing recognized that basic nursing education is formally a recognized programme of study providing broad and sound foundation in the behavioral, life and nursing sciences for the practice the nursing, for a leadership role and for the basic education in specialities for advanced nursing practice. The trust believes that this basic course in nursing should prepare nurses for occupying first level position in nursing in all kind of health care settings. The trust recognizes that nursing is a profession which is influenced by advances in science and technology. It believes that skills in all aspects of communication are also essential for learning and for practice of nursing.

The trust also recognizes that the nature of nursing is such that a substantial portion of learning of student is acquired in the clinical fields of practice. It further recognizes the interdependence of nursing and allied professions and occupations in promoting, maintaining and restoring health and prevention of diseases.

The trust believes that it is responsibility of that student to develop pride in their profession besides keeping them updated with current knowledge and professional trends for a successful career ahead.

Florence Nightingale

12.05.1820 - 13.08.1910


I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the Presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully.

I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.

I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping? and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling,

With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.

Institute Song

जल्लोष तुझा, जयजयकार तुझा सत्कारिणी, सत्कारिणी, सरकारिणी ।

सद् भावनी, आरोग्य जपण्या, बलदावी, उम्मेद देण्या

औदासिन्स, रोगमुक्त करण्या, निरामयतेची धुरा राखण्या

जल्लोष तुझा, जयजयार तुझा सत्कारिणी, सत्कारिणी, सत्कारिणी ।।

मूर्तीमंत तू, जीव रक्षिका, जगन्मान्य, निर्भया संजीविका

जागृत सक्षम, परिचारिका देवी शुश्रूषा, लोक सेविका

जल्लोष तुझा जयजयकार तुझा सत्कारिणी, सत्कारिणी, सत्कारिणी ।

मंजिरी बापट